Are you expecting? This is the beginning of the most amazing adventure of your life. I know that being pregnant has its challenges... Nausea, discomfort, weight gain, stomach burning, back aches, more weight gain, sleepless nights and so on. So why on earth would you like to photograph this? Why would you like to remember all of this?
Let me tell you 10 reasons why you should book your maternity session!
1. This is one in a lifetime opportunity. Even if you are planning to have more kids, or you already have children, you will never be pregnant again whit THIS baby.

2. You will never be so close to your baby. This closeness and intimacy will never be the same again. It really is a miracle and a blessing.
3. It's not all about you... yeah, I know... but it is true: you will be doing this for your baby. To be able to share these memories and to bond with them this way is really priceless.
4. Be pampered and dolled up. Who doesn't like a bit of pampering? Right? You will get your hair and make up done and will be wearing amazing gowns. Your session will be stylised and fully guided. Who doesn't want that?

5. Celebrate your body! You have a big bump and got extra weight? Great! Show it off! Your body does an amazing job these days and you should be totally proud of that. Your feminine figure is just amazing. Accentuate it! Embrace it! Own it! Love it!
6. Feel empowered. Sometimes you can feel deflated, tired, unsure, self conscious while pregnant. But I promise this: during your session you will feel like a Goddess. You will feel empowered and every time you will look back at these pictures you will feel that you are powerful and beautiful.
7. If you are reading this, you probably have been thinking about this. Before deciding not to do it, ask yourself if you are sure you won't regret missing this opportunity. I can honestly tell you that I regret very much not having done my pregnancy pictures.
8. You deserve this. When we are expecting we keep planning for everybody else. We are concerned about the future, about our family, about life and just forget to enjoy what is truly important. Every pregnant mommy deserves this treat. It will be a fantastic experience for you and a precious gift to your loved ones.

9. Create those memories. Don't just take a snapshot and call it a day. We don't just take pretty pictures but create memories for you. When your baby arrives, those first days and months go so quick. And I'm not going to lie to you: it can be really exhausting. These days will just fade out and can seem blurry. Don't let them pass. Document them not only for yourself but for your kid(s).
10. Have fun! Most importantly, you should have some fun. And I guarantee you, a maternity session is lots of fun! There are tons of giggles and funny moments in the studio. And believe it or not, even dads enjoy this.

10+1. Still hesitant? Read this blog post where I answer the FAQ about maternity photo sessions. You can also call/WhatsApp me: 0858465621 or e-mail me: